Git Credential Management with Gnome Passwords and Keys (Seahorse) in Fedora Linux

It is possible to save the git password/access tokens safely without plain text password savings or long caching times with using Gnome ‘Passwords and Keys’ also known as Seahorse in Linux. Here are the steps.

Step 1: Install Seahorse

# dnf install seahorse -y

Step 2: Install git-credential-libsecret

# dnf install git-credential-libsecret -y

Step 3: Set Git credential manager to Seahorse.

$ git config — global credential.helper /usr/libexec/git-core/git-credential-libsecret

Now the installation are done. With next git push, credentials will be saved to Seahorse. Seahorse will keep your passwords safe in operating system provided key store. I used Seahorse 3.36 which was provided with my Fedora 32.

The Seahorse About Dialog



Kasun Chathuranga

⚔️ InfoSec Engineer 🛡️ | 🔥 AR Game Player 🔥 | 🚀🛰️ Rocketry & Space Enthusiast 🔭🌌